Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Lensing without borders
Probing galaxy bias and intergalactic gas pressure with KiDS Galaxies-tSZ-CMB lensing cross-correlations
Cosmological simulations for combined-probe analyses: covariance and neighbour-exclusion bias
Multiwavelength scaling relations in galaxy groups: a detailed comparison of GAMA and KiDS observations to BAHAMAS simulations
KiDS-450: enhancing cosmic shear with clipping transformations
The BAHAMAS project: the CMB-large-scale structure tension and the roles of massive neutrinos and galaxy formation
CFHTLenS: a weak lensing shear analysis of the 3D-Matched-Filter galaxy clusters
CFHTLenS: a Gaussian likelihood is a sufficient approximation for a cosmological analysis of third-order cosmic shear statistics
CFHTLenS: weak lensing constraints on the ellipticity of galaxy-scale matter haloes and the galaxy-halo misalignment
CFHTLenS: the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey
CFHTLenS: improving the quality of photometric redshifts with precision photometry
Handbook for the GREAT08 Challenge: An image analysis competition for cosmological lensing