Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Variation and Interdependencies of Human Milk Macronutrients, Fatty Acids, Adiponectin, Insulin, and IGF-II in the European PreventCD Cohort
Anti-gliadin antibodies in breast milk from celiac mothers on a gluten-free diet
Assessment of dietary compliance in celiac children using a standardized dietary interview
The impact of human breast milk components on the infant metabolism
Histopathological evaluation of duodenal biopsy in the PreventCD project. An observational interobserver agreement study
Comparison of Patients' and Doctors' Reports on Health-related Quality of Life in Celiac Disease
Assessment of dietary compliance in celiac children using a standardized dietary interview
The role of gluten consumption at an early age in celiac disease development: a further analysis of the prospective PreventCD cohort study
Coeliac disease : prevention and improvement of care
Investigating the early metabolic fingerprint of celiac disease - a prospective approach
Complementary Serologic Investigations in Children with Celiac Disease Is Unnecessary during Follow-Up
Coeliac disease and gluten-related disorders in childhood
Impact on parents of HLA-DQ2/DQ8 genotyping in healthy children from coeliac families
Randomized Feeding Intervention in Infants at High Risk for Celiac Disease