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Computational candidate gene prioritization for venous thrombosis
Serum vitamin D and risk of secondary cardiovascular disease events in patients with stable coronary heart disease
Risk of arterial thrombosis in carriers of familial thrombophilia
A genome search for genetic determinants of markers of protein C activation
Risk of a first venous thrombotic event in carriers of a familial thrombophilic defect. The European Prospective Cohort on Thrombophilia (EPCOT)
Chronic venous abnormalities in symptomatic and asymptomatic protein C deficiency
The plasma hemostatic proteome: thrombin generation in healthy individuals
Thrombin generation profiles in deep venous thrombosis
Attitudes toward genetic testing for thrombophilia in asymptomatic members of a large family with heritable protein C deficiency
Recurrence rate after a first venous thrombosis in patients with familial thrombophilia
Genome scan of venous thrombosis in a pedigree with protein C deficiency
Sensitivity of a questionnaire for data collection on venous thrombosis
Familial thrombophilia and lifetime risk of venous thrombosis
No effect of the prothrombin G20210A mutation on protein C activation in a large kindred with type I protein C deficiency
Heritability of plasma concentrations of clotting factors and measures of a prethrombotic state in a protein C-deficient family
The impact of venous thrombosis on quality of life
Hereditary thrombophilia and fetal loss: a prospective follow-up study
