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Clavien-Dindo, comprehensive complication index and classification of intraoperative adverse events
How doctors actually (do not) involve families in decisions to continue or discontinue life-sustaining treatment in neonatal, pediatric, and adult intensive care
LOFAR 144-MHz follow-up observations of GW170817
Prediction models for diagnosis and prognosis of covid-19 infection: systematic review and critical appraisal
Cassiopeia A, Cygnus A, Taurus A, and Virgo A at ultra-low radio frequencies
IBD risk loci are enriched in multigenic regulatory modules encompassing putative causative genes
Defragmenting Digitised Manuscripts Sources: The DMMmaps: A Unified Portal to Medieval Manuscripts
LOFAR: The LOw-Frequency ARray
Host-microbe interactions have shaped the genetic architecture of inflammatory bowel disease
Thema en titel van dit Jaarboek: Gender and Performance.
Meta-analysis identifies 29 additional ulcerative colitis risk loci, increasing the number of confirmed associations to 47
Genome-wide meta-analysis increases to 71 the number of confirmed Crohn's disease susceptibility loci
Mucosal Healing Predicts Sustained Clinical Remission in Patients With Early-Stage Crohn's Disease