Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Feasibility of velocity-selective arterial spin labeling in breast cancer patients for noncontrast-enhanced perfusion imaging
Proteinuria as a Risk Marker for the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients on Predialysis Care and the Role of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor/Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker Treatment
Association of Blood Pressure with the Start of Renal Replacement Therapy in Elderly Compared with Young Patients Receiving Predialysis Care
Calcaneal stress fracture revisited
Association of blood pressure with decline in renal function and time until the start of renal replacement therapy in pre-dialysis patients: a cohort study
Association of blood pressure with decline in renal function and time until the start of renal replacement therapy in pre-dialysis patients: a cohort study
Association between time of referral and survival in the first year of dialysis in diabetics and the elderly
Prevalence of Anemia and Its Impact on Mortality and Hospitalization Rate in Predialysis Patients