Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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  • (-) = Vlugt, D. van der

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A radio view of dust-obscured star formation
An ultradeep multiband very large array survey of the faint radio sky (COSMOS-XS)
An ultra-deep multiband Very Large Array (VLA) survey of the faint radio sky (COSMOS-XS)
An ultradeep multiband VLA survey of the faint radio sky (COSMOS-XS)
A multiwavelength analysis of the faint radio sky (COSMOS-XS): the nature of the ultra-faint radio population
An ALMA survey of the SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey UKIDSS/UDS field: the far-infrared/radio correlation for high-redshift dusty star-forming galaxies
Compact Star-forming Galaxies as Old Starbursts Becoming Quiescent
How AGN feedback drives the size growth of the first quasars
The size and shape of the Milky Way disc and halo from M-type brown dwarfs in the BoRG survey