Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Motivations of patients and their care partners for visiting a memory clinic
The Video Engagement Scale (VES): measurement properties of the full and shortened VES across studies
A randomized experimental study to test the effects of discussing uncertainty during cancer genetic counseling: different strategies, different outcomes?
Communicating uncertainties when disclosing diagnostic test results for (Alzheimer's) dementia in the memory clinic
Does silence speak louder than words? The impact of oncologists’ emotion-oriented communication on analogue patients’ information recall and emotional stress
Studying medical communication with video vignettes
Studying medical communication with video vignettes: how variations in video-vignette introduction format and camera focus influence analogue patients’ engagement. A randomized study
Patients' and oncologists' views on how oncologists may best address patients' emotions during consultations: An interview study.
The value of physicians' affect-oriented communication for patients' recall of information.