Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Review of Zandvliet, K. (2022) De wereld van de familie Blaeu
De bevindelijke baard
A CRISPR/Cas9‐based multicopy integration system for protein production in Aspergillus niger
Structure elucidation and characterization of patulin synthase, insights into the formation of a fungal mycotoxin
Non-invasive stereotactic arrhythmia radiotherapy for ventricular tachycardia
Een protestantse bijbel met gouden slot
Geschiedenis is nooit een afgesloten verhaal
Gamma-H2AX foci decay ratio as a stronger predictive factor of late radiation toxicity than dose-volume parameters in a prospective cohort of prostate cancer patients
External validation of a frequently used prediction model for ongoing pregnancy in couples with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss
Genetic characterization of mutations related to conidiophore stalk length development in aspergillus niger laboratory strain N402
Practices for engineering trustworthy machine learning applications
Dosimetric comparison of library of plans and online MRI-guided radiotherapy of cervical cancer in the presence of intrafraction anatomical changes
The effectiveness of 4DCT in children and adults: A pooled analysis
Predictive value of pediatric respiratory-induced diaphragm motion quantified using pre-treatment 4DCT and CBCTs
Abdominal organ position variation in children during image-guided radiotherapy
Heart volume reduction during radiotherapy involving the thoracic region in children: An unexplained phenomenon
Pregnancy before recurrent pregnancy loss more often complicated by post-term birth and perinatal death
Role of deformable image registration for delivered dose accumulation of adaptive external beam radiation therapy and brachytherapy in cervical cancer
