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Disruption of RHOA-ROCK Signaling Results in Atrioventricular Block and Disturbed Development of the Putative Atrioventricular Node
Disruption of RHOA‐ROCK signaling results in atrioventricular block and disturbed development of the putative atrioventricular node
RHOA-ROCK signalling is necessary for lateralization and differentiation of the developing sinoatrial node
RHOA-ROCK signalling is necessary for lateralization and differentiation of the developing sinoatrial node
Outflow tract septation and the aortic arch system in reptiles: lessons for understanding the mammalian heart
Outflow tract septation and the aortic arch system in reptiles: lessons for understanding the mammalian heart
Remodelling of the atrioventricular canal myocardium determines atrioventricular conduction patterns
Remodelling of the atrioventricular canal myocardium determines atrioventricular conduction patterns
The avian embryo to study development of the cardiac conduction system
Evolution and Development of Ventricular Septation in the Amniote Heart
Fetal echocardiography of a Vegf overexpression model shows impaired sino-atrial nodal function consistent with abnormal morphology
Disturbed myocardial connexin 43 and N-cadherin expressions in hypoplastic left heart syndrome and borderline left ventricle
Morphogenesis of outflow tract rotation during cardiac development: The pulmonary push concept
Expression of Id2 in the Second Heart Field and Cardiac Defects in Id2 Knock-Out Mice
Funny current channel HCN4 delineates the developing cardiac conduction system in chicken heart
Electrical Activation of Sinus Venosus Myocardium and Expression Patterns of RhoA and Isl-1 in the Chick Embryo