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BioE3 identifies specific substrates of ubiquitin E3 ligases
SENP6 regulates localization and nuclear condensation of DNA damage response proteins by group deSUMOylation
SUMO-activated target traps (SATTs) enable the identification of a comprehensive E3-specific SUMO proteome
Exome sequencing links the SUMO protease SENP7 with fatal arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, early respiratory failure and neutropenia
The lncRNA LETS1 promotes TGF-β-induced EMT and cancer cell migration by transcriptionally activating a TβR1-stabilizing mechanism
A disease-associated XPA allele interferes with TFIIH binding and primarily affects transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair
Inhibition of SUMOylation enhances DNA hypomethylating drug efficacy to reduce outgrowth of hematopoietic malignancies
Author Correction: Exploration of nuclear body-enhanced sumoylation reveals that PML represses 2-cell features of embryonic stem cells (vol 13, 5726, 2022)
In-plate chemical synthesis of isopeptide-linked SUMOylated peptide fluorescence polarization reagents for high-throughput screening of SENP preferences
Site-specific proteomic strategies to identify ubiquitin and SUMO modifications: Challenges and opportunities
Divergent molecular and cellular responses to low and high-dose Ionizing radiation
Exploration of nuclear body-enhanced sumoylation reveals that PML represses 2-cell features of embryonic stem cells
XPC-PARP complexes engage the chromatin remodeler ALC1 to catalyze global genome DNA damage repair
Signalling mechanisms and cellular functions of SUMO
THO complex deficiency impairs DNA double-strand break repair via the RNA surveillance kinase SMG-1
Deubiquitinating enzymes and the proteasome regulate preferential sets of ubiquitin substrates
Targeting pancreatic cancer by TAK-981
Targeting pancreatic cancer by TAK-981
A proteomics study identifying interactors of the FSHD2 gene product SMCHD1 reveals RUVBL1-dependent DUX4 repression
Identification of proximal SUMO-dependent interactors using SUMO-ID
