Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Forming a collaborative action research partnership
The ideal research-teaching nexus in the eyes of academics: Building profiles
Preservice teachers’ pegagogical content knowledge of using particle models in teaching chemistry
De praktijkkennis van ervaren bètadocenten in de context van de invoering van het vak Algemene Natuurwetenschappen
The conceptions of chemistry teachers about teaching and learning in the context of a curriculum innovation.
De Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) van scheikundedocenten-in-opleiding over het gebruik van deeltjesmodellen
Reconsidering research on teachers' professional identity
De betekenis van perspectieven voor leren leren
Reconciling the pedagogical goal and the measurement goal of evaluation: The perspectives of teachers in the context of national standards
De leraar
How do student teachers elicit their mentor teachers’ practical knowledge?
For the enrichment of practical knowledge
De leraar
How can student teachers elicit experienced teachers' practical knowledge? Tools, suggestions and significance
Examining teachers’ interactive cognitions using insights from research on teachers’ practical knowledge
Het portfolio als reflectie-instrument voor docenten-in-opleiding
The use of analogies in language teaching: representing the content of teacher’ practical knowledge
The development of preservice chemistry teachers’ PCK
Multi-method triangulation in a qualitative study on teachers' practical knowledge: An attempt to increase internal validity
