Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The geoeconomics of the Single Market for financial services
The Euro area crisis
Theorizing economic and monetary union
The European Union and the global political economy
The European Central Bank, the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the COVID-19 related economic crisis
Review of Helleiner, E. (2021) The Neomercantalists: a global intellectual history
‘Differentiation and the European Central Bank’
Chapitre 5
Economic and monetary union
Maastricht at 30
The European semester in the North and in the South
The greatest of the small?
The recovery and resilience facility
The EU-Canada strategic partnership
Intergovernmentalism: old, liberal, and new
The European Central Bank
Two decades of change in Europe: post-crisis social policymaking in the EU
Deux décennies de changement en Europe: les politiques sociales d’après-crise au sein de l’UE
European economic governance: past, present and future
