Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Review of J.R. Morss, The biologising of childhood
Review of L. Mecacci, Pensiero e linguaggio
The reception of Vygotsky's ideas in the nineteen thirties
Vygotsky and action theory: An unhappy marriage
Homo duplex: vereniging van het ik en de ander. Pedagogische ideeën van Lev Vygotskij
The encoding of distance: The concept of the 'zone of proximal development' and its interpretations
Voices at play. Understanding Van der Veer and Valsiner
The anthropological underpinning of Vygotsky's thinking
De verschillende Vygotskijs. Review of A. Kozulin, Vygotsky's psychology
Understanding Vygotsky. A quest for synthesis
Vygotskij in de Sovjet-Unie. Review of A.A. Leont'ev, L.S. Vygotskij
The reform of Soviet psychology: A historical perspective.
Lev Vigotski y George Mead. Una psicologia social de los procesos cognitivos
Onderwijsontwikkelingen in de USSR
