Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Formation of epitaxial β-FeSi2 films on Si(001) as studied by medium-energy ion scattering
Combined (1×2)→(1×1) transition and atomic roughening of Ge(001) studied with surface x-ray diffraction
Monolayer resolution in medium-energy ion-scattering experiments on the NiSi2(111) surface
Crystal-face dependence of surface melting
Evidence for anomalous thermal expansion at a crystal surface
Missing-row surface reconstruction of Ag(110) induced by Potassium adsorption
Observation of surface-initiated melting
Observation of surface melting
Real-space determination of atomic structure and bond relaxation at the NiSi_2-Si(111) interface
Silicon strained layers grown on GaP(001) by molecular beam epitaxy
Ni-Si(111) interface: Growth of Ni2Si islands at room temperature
Relation between surface relaxation and surface force constants in clean and oxygen-covered Ni(001)