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Subjective pain and reward in a social judgment paradigm
Fertility preservation for women with breast cancer
Septum Resection in Women With a Septate Uterus: A Cohort Study
Septum resection in women with a septate uterus
Septum resection in women with a septate uterus
Predicting the chances of having a baby with or without treatment at different time points in couples with unexplained subfertility
The therapeutic effect of hysterosalpingography in couples with unexplained subfertility: a post-hoc analysis of a prospective multi-centre cohort study
Is IUI with ovarian stimulation effective in couples with unexplained subfertility?
External validation of a dynamic prediction model for repeated predictions of natural conception over time
The randomised uterine septum transsection trial (TRUST): design and protocol
Natural conception rates in couples with unexplained or mild male subfertility scheduled for fertility treatment: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Constructing the crystal ball: how to get reliable prognostic information for the management of subfertile couples
Stimulation of the ovaries in women with breast cancer undergoing fertility preservation: Alternative versus standard stimulation protocols; the study protocol of the STIM-trial
Is intrauterine insemination more effective than expectant management in couples with unexplained subfertility? A secondary analysis of a prospective cohort
Randomized Trial of a Lifestyle Program in Obese Infertile Women
The OPTIMIST study: optimisation of cost effectiveness through individualised FSH stimulation dosages for IVF treatment. A randomised controlled trial
Severe maternal morbidity in ectopic pregnancy is not associated with maternal factors but may be associated with quality of care
Risk of borderline and invasive ovarian tumours after ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization in a large Dutch cohort
Is severe maternal morbidity in ectopic pregnancy caused by patient related risk factors and/or by substandard care?
Aspirin alone or combined with low-molecular-weight heparin in women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage, a randomised placebo-controlled trial
