Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Inter- and intra-observer reproducibility of CT-Leaman score by an independent core lab
The midcortical-line is more reliable than the T-line in predicting stem anteversion in patients with developmental hip dysplasia after total hip arthroplasty
Augmentation of anterolateral structures of the knee causes undesirable tibiofemoral cartilage contact in double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
In-vivo tibiofemoral kinematics of the normal knee during closed and open kinetic chain exercises
Elongation and orientation pattern of the medial patellofemoral ligament during lunging
The Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Is a Dynamic and Anisometric Structure: An In Vivo Study on Length Changes and Isometry
An In Vivo Prediction of Anisometry and Strain in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction - A Combined Magnetic Resonance and Dual Fluoroscopic Imaging Analysis
An in Vivo Simulation of Isometry of the Anterolateral Aspect of the Healthy Knee