Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Low energy electron microscopy at cryogenic temperatures
Back illuminated photo emission electron microscopy (BIPEEM)
Photoemission electron microscopy for connectomics
Extracting transverse electron mean free paths in graphene at low energy
Stacking domain morphology in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide
Low-Energy Electron Microscopy contrast of stacking boundaries
Stacking domain morphology in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide
Imaging moiré deformation and dynamics in twisted bilayer graphene
Complementary LEEM and eV-TEM for imaging and spectroscopy
Imaging moiré deformation and dynamics in twisted bilayer graphene
Low-energy electron irradiation damage in few-monolayer pentacene films
Optical near-field electron microscopy
The key role of very-low-energy-electrons in tin-based molecular resists for extreme ultraviolet nanolithography
Quantitative analysis of spectroscopic Low Energy Electron Microscopy data: High-dynamic range imaging, drift correction and cluster analysis
Quantifying work function differences using low-energy electron microscopy: The case of mixed-terminated strontium titanate
Nonuniversal transverse electron mean free path through few-layer graphene
Intrinsic stacking domains in graphene on silicon carbide: A pathway for intercalation
Low-energy electron potentiometry
Charge catastrophe and dielectric breakdown during exposure of organic thin films to low-energy electron radiation
