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Association between bilirubin and biomarkers of metabolic health and oxidative stress in the MARK-AGE cohort
Associations of circulating GDF15 with combined cognitive frailty and depression in older adults of the MARK-AGE study
Uncovering the relationship between selenium status, age, health, and dietary habits
Association of Torquetenovirus viremia with physical frailty and cognitive impairment in three independent European cohorts
Bacterial DNAemia in older participants and nonagenarian offspring and association with redox biomarkers
Age, Sex, and BMI Influence on Copper, Zinc, and Their Major Serum Carrier Proteins in a Large European Population Including Nonagenarian Offspring From MARK-AGE Study
Association between fat-soluble vitamins and self-reported health status: a cross-sectional analysis of the MARK-AGE cohort
Microbiome in blood samples from the general population recruited in the MARK-AGE project
Ageing affects subtelomeric DNA methylation in blood cells from a large European population enrolled in the MARK-AGE study
Self-rated health in individuals with and without disease is associated with multiple biomarkers representing multiple biological domains
Prevalence and loads of torquetenovirus in the European MARK-AGE study population
Zinc-Induced Metallothionein in Centenarian Offspring From a Large European Population: The MARK-AGE Project
Analysis of the machinery and intermediates of the 5hmC-mediated DNA demethylation pathway in aging on samples from the MARK-AGE Study
Age-dependent expression of DNMT1 and DNMT3B in PBMCs from a large European population enrolled in the MARK-AGE study
MARK-AGE biomarkers of ageing
MARK-AGE population: From the human model to new insights
The co-occurrence of mtDNA mutations on different oxidative phosphorylation subunits, not detected by haplogroup analysis, affects human longevity and is population specific
Design, recruitment, logistics, and data management of the GEHA (Genetics of Healthy Ageing) project