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The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey
The Effects of Environment on the Evolution of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function
Decoupled black hole accretion and quenching: the relationship between BHAR, SFR and quenching in Milky Way- and Andromeda-mass progenitors since z = 2.5
UV to IR Luminosities and Dust Attenuation Determined from ~4000 K-selected Galaxies at 1 < z < 3 in the ZFOURGE Survey
Satellite Quenching and Galactic Conformity at 0.3 < z < 2.5
The SFR-M-* relation and empirical star formation histories from ZFOURGE at 0.5 < z < 4
The Differential Size Growth of Field and Cluster Galaxies at z = 2.1 Using the ZFOURGE Survey