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(21 - 40 of 72)


How representative are neuroimaging samples?
Maternal prenatal anxiety and the fetal origins of epigenetic aging
How representative are neuroimaging samples?
Neural signatures of parental empathic responses to imagined suffering of their adolescent child
Vicarious praise and pain
Maternal antenatal depression and child mental health
Internalizing symptoms associate with the pace of epigenetic aging in childhood
Maternal antenatal depression and child mental health
The PedBE clock accurately estimates DNA methylation age in pediatric buccal cells
Not the root of the problem: hair cortisol and cortisone do not mediate the effect of child maltreatment on Body Mass Index
Not the root of the problem:  Hair cortisol and cortisone do not mediate the effect of child maltreatment on BMI
Correction: Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design
Correction: Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design
Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design
Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design
Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design
Feeling Empathically Toward Other People and the Self: The Role of Perspective Shifting in Emotion Sharing and Self-Reassurance
Estimating the heritability of experiencing child maltreatment in an extended family design
Estimating the heritability of experiencing child maltreatment in an extended family design
Estimating the heritability of experiencing child maltreatment in an extended family design
