Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Low empathy in deaf and hard of hearing (pre)adolescents compared to normal hearing controls (vol 10, e0124102, 2015)
Cerebellar Abscess Caused by Extension of an Otogenic Infection Through the Labyrinth and Internal Auditory Canal
Baja empatía en (Pre)Adolescentes sordos e hipoacúsicos comparados con pares normoyentes
Early identification: Language skills and social functioning in deaf and hard of hearing preschool children
Symptoms of psychopathology in hearing-impaired children
Symptoms of Psychopathology in Hearing-Impaired Children
Low empathy in deaf and hard of hearing (pre)adolescents compared to normal hearing controls
Low Empathy in Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Pre)Adolescents Compared to Normal Hearing Controls
Early identification: Language skills and social functioning in deaf and hard of hearing preschool children
Behavioral problems in school-aged hearing-impaired children: the influence of sociodemographic, linguistic, and medical factors
Self-Esteem in Hearing-Impaired Children: The Influence of Communication, Education, and Audiological Characteristics
Psychopathology and Its Risk and Protective Factors in Hearing-Impaired Children and Adolescents A Systematic Review
Psychopathology in hearing-impaired children
Peer Victimization Experienced by Children and Adolescents Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Pathways Underlying Somatic Complaints in Children and Adolescents Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Alexithymia in children with cancer and their siblings
Anxiety in children with hearing aids or cochlear implants compared to normally hearing controls
Depression in hearing-impaired children