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First spectrally-resolved H2 observations towards HH 54 . Low H2O abundance in shocks
Water distribution in shocked regions of the NGC 1333-IRAS 4A protostellar outflow
Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH). V. The physical conditions in low-mass protostellar outflows revealed by multi-transition water observations
Shockingly low water abundances in Herschel/PACS observations of low-mass protostars in Perseus
Shockingly low water abundances in Herschel/PACS observations of low-mass protostars in Perseus
Mapping water in protostellar outflows with Herschel. PACS and HIFI observations of L1448-C
Mapping water in protostellar outflows with Herschel. PACS and HIFI observations of L1448-C
Herschel-PACS observations of shocked gas associated with the jets of L1448 and L1157
High-pressure, low-abundance water in bipolar outflows. Results from a Herschel-WISH survey
High-J CO survey of low-mass protostars observed with Herschel-HIFI
Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH). III. Far-infrared cooling lines in low-mass young stellar objects
Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH). IV. A survey of low-J H2O line profiles toward high-mass protostars
Water in low-mass star-forming regions with Herschel . HIFI spectroscopy of NGC 1333
Herschel/HIFI observations of high-J CO lines in the NGC 1333 low-mass star-forming region
On the internal structure of starless cores. II. A molecular survey of L1498 and L1517B
