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ARA 290 Improves Symptoms in Patients with Sarcoidosis-Associated Small Nerve Fiber Loss and Increases Corneal Nerve Fiber Density (vol 19, pg 334, 2013)
Neuropathic pain and its treatment with ARA 290 and ketamine : overlapping pathways
ARA 290, a peptide derived from the tertiary structure of erythropoietin, produces long-term relief of neuropathic pain coupled with suppression of the spinal microglia response
ARA 290 Improves Symptoms in Patients with Sarcoidosis-Associated Small Nerve Fiber Loss and Increases Corneal Nerve Fiber Density
Safety and Efficacy of ARA 290 in Sarcoidosis Patients with Symptoms of Small Fiber Neuropathy: A Randomized, Double-Blind Pilot Study
Ketamine Does Not Produce Relief of Neuropathic Pain in Mice Lacking the beta-Common Receptor (CD131)
Morphine Induces Hyperalgesia without Involvement of mu-Opioid Receptor or Morphine-3-glucuronide
ARA290, a Peptide Derived from the Tertiary Structure of Erythropoietin, Produces Long-term Relief of Neuropathic Pain An Experimental Study in Rats and beta-Common Receptor Knockout Mice
Absence of long-term analgesic effect from a short-term S-ketamine infusion on fibromyalgia pain: A randomized, prospective, double blind, active placebo-controlled trial
Nonselective and NR2B-selective N-methyl-D-aspartic Acid Receptor Antagonists Produce Antinociception and Long-term Relief of Allodynia in Acute and Neuropathic Pain
Effect of ketamine on endogenous pain modulation in healthy volunteers