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Verhaalbegrip bij peuters en kleuters
Does feedback targeting text comprehension triggers the use of reading strategies or changes in readers' attitudes? A meta‐analysis
The effects of increased dopamine-levels on attentional control during reading and reading comprehension
Mind the reading mind: a multifaceted and methodologically diverse approach to investigating the role of attentional control and feedback in reading comprehension
Frontal theta/beta-ratio (TBR) as potential biomarker for attentional control during reading in healthy females
Supporting learning from text: A meta-analysis on the timing and content of effective feedback
App, noot, mies. Leerzame voorleesapps kiezen
Gedigitaliseerde verhalen als hulpmiddel om nieuwe woorden te leren: Een meta-analyse
Benefits and pitfalls of multimedia and interactive features in technology-enhanced storybooks