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Missing forms and dropout in the TME quality of life substudy
Impact of Short-Term Preoperative Radiotherapy on Health-Related Quality of Life and Sexual Functioning in Primary Rectal Cancer: Report of a Multicenter Randomized Trial
The Impact of Diagnosis and Treatment of Rectal Cancer on Paid and Unpaid Labor
Understanding VAS valuations: Qualitative data on the cognitive process
Correcting Biases in Standard Gamble and Time Tradeoff Utilities
Kwaliteit van leven en onderzoek
Patient's needs and preferences in routine follow-up after treatment for breast cancer
Ideals of patient autonomy in clinical decision making: a study on the development of a scale to assess patients' and physicians' views
Patient Preference for Cancer Therapy: An Overview of Measurement Approaches
Tradeoffs of Life: between Quality and Quantity Development of the QQ Questionnaire for Cancer Patient Attitudes
en-US^^The "Utility" Of The Time Trade-Off Method In Cancer Patiens: Feasibility And Proportional Trade-Off
Utility Assesment in Cancer Patiens: Adjustment of time  Trade-off scores for the utility of life years and comparison with standard Gamble scores
