Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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(1 - 11 of 11)
Resolved CO(1-0) emission and gas properties in luminous dusty star-forming galaxies at z = 2-4
Characterisation of Herschel-selected strong lens candidates through HST and sub-mm/mm observations
Bright extragalactic ALMA redshift survey (BEARS) III
z-GAL: A NOEMA spectroscopic redshift survey of bright Herschel galaxies
z-GAL: A NOEMA spectroscopic redshift survey of bright Herschel galaxies
z-GAL: A NOEMA spectroscopic redshift survey of bright Herschel galaxies
The bright extragalactic ALMA redshift survey (BEARS)
The bright extragalactic ALMA redshift survey (BEARS) I
Close-up view of a luminous star-forming galaxy at z = 2.95
The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: 850 μm maps, catalogues and number counts