Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Population genomics of mycobacterium ieprae reveals a new genotype in Madagascar and the Comoros
Fingerstick test quantifying humoral and cellular biomarkers indicative for M-leprae infection
Evaluation of Immunodiagnostic Tests for Leprosy in Brazil, China and Ethiopia
Evidence of zoonotic leprosy in Para A, Brazilian Amazon, and risks associated with human contact or consumption of armadillos
Field-friendly serological tests for determination of M. leprae-specific antibodies
Longitudinal immune profiles in type 1 leprosy reactions in Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia and Nepal
Field-Evaluation of a New Lateral Flow Assay for Detection of Cellular and Humoral Immunity against Mycobacterium leprae
New Biomarkers with Relevance to Leprosy Diagnosis Applicable in Areas Hyperendemic for Leprosy
Pathogen-Specific Epitopes as Epidemiological Tools for Defining the Magnitude of Mycobacterium leprae Transmission in Areas Endemic for Leprosy
Development of a Mouse Food Pad Model for Detection of Sub Clinical Leprosy
Lateral flow assay for simultaneous detection of cellular- and humoral immune responses
ML1419c Peptide Immunization Induces Mycobacterium leprae-Specific HLA-A*0201-Restricted CTL In Vivo with Potential To Kill Live Mycobacteria
ML1419c Peptide Immunization Induces Mycobacterium leprae-Specific HLA-A*0201-Restricted CTL In Vivo with Potential To Kill Live Mycobacteria
Lateral flow assay for simultaneous detection of cellular- and humoral immune responses
Analysis of Antibody Responses to Mycobacterium leprae Phenolic Glycolipid I, Lipoarabinomannan, and Recombinant Proteins To Define Disease Subtype-Specific Antigenic Profiles in Leprosy