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From once-weekly to semi-weekly whole prostate gland stereotactic radiotherapy with focal boosting
Genetic aspects and molecular testing in prostate cancer
Urethral and bladder dose-effect relations for late genitourinary toxicity following external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer in the FLAME trial
68Ga-PSMA-11 PET, 18F-PSMA-1007 PET, and MRI for gross tumor volume delineation in primary prostate cancer
EAU-ESMO consensus statements on the management of advanced and variant bladder cancer
EAU-ESMO consensus statements on the management of advanced and variant bladder cancer-an international collaborative multi-stakeholder effort: under the auspices of the EAU and ESMO Guidelines Committees
Local Protocol Variations for Image Guided Radiation Therapy in the Multicenter Dutch Hypofractionation (HYPRO) Trial: Impact of Rectal Balloon and MRI Delineation on Anorectal Dose and Gastrointestinal Toxicity Levels