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Therapeutic Peptide Vaccine-Induced CD8 T Cells Strongly Modulate Intratumoral Macrophages Required for Tumor Regression
Dominant contribution of the proteasome and metalloproteinases to TAP-independent MHC-I peptide repertoire
Limited Density of an Antigen Presented by RMA-S Cells Requires B7-1/CD28 Signaling to Enhance T-Cell Immunity at the Effector Phase
Inhibition of CSF-1R Supports T-Cell Mediated Melanoma Therapy
Effectiveness of slow-release systems in CD40 agonistic antibody immunotherapy of cancer
Proline substitution independently enhances H-2D(b) complex stabilization and TCR recognition of melanoma-associated peptides
New Role of Signal Peptide Peptidase To Liberate C-Terminal Peptides for MHC Class I Presentation
Alternative peptide repertoire of HLA-E reveals a binding motif that is strikingly similar to HLA-A2
Effective Cooperation of Monoclonal Antibody and Peptide Vaccine for the Treatment of Mouse Melanoma
Peptide transporter TAP mediates between competing antigen sources generating distinct surface MHC class I peptide repertoires
Local Activation of CD8 T Cells and Systemic Tumor Eradication without Toxicity via Slow Release and Local Delivery of Agonistic CD40 Antibody
Peptide Vaccination after T-Cell Transfer Causes Massive Clonal Expansion, Tumor Eradication, and Manageable Cytokine Storm
Separate roles for antigen recognition and lymph node inflammation in CD8+ memory T cell formation
Separate Roles for Antigen Recognition and Lymph Node Inflammation in CD8(+) Memory T Cell Formation
The nonpolymorphic MHC Qa-1b mediates CD8+ T cell surveillance of antigen-processing defects
The nonpolymorphic MHC Qa-1(b) mediates CD8(+) T cell surveillance of antigen-processing defects
