Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Detection of stellar light from quasar host galaxies at redshifts above 6
Survey of Gravitationally Lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI)
The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey
The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey. Little to no evolution in the [C II]-SFR relation over the last 13 Gyr
The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey. Dust attenuation properties and obscured star formation at z~4.4-5.8
The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey. Molecular gas budget in the early Universe as traced by [C II]
The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey: data processing, catalogs, and statistical source properties
The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey. Survey strategy, observations, and sample properties of 118 star-forming galaxies at 4 < z < 6
The ALPINE–ALMA [C II] survey: size of individual star-forming falaxies at z = 4–6 and their extended halo structure
The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey: star-formation-driven outflows and circumgalactic enrichment in the early Universe
The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] Survey: [C II] 158 m emission line luminosity functions at z~4-6
The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] Survey: Multiwavelength ancillary data and basic physical measurements
The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey: a triple merger at z~4.56
VLA and ALMA Imaging of Intense Galaxy-wide Star Formation in z ~ 2 Galaxies