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Effect of Aging on Healthcare Costs of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Glimpse into the Future
Healthcare costs of inflammatory bowel disease have shifted from hospitalisation and surgery towards anti-TNF alpha therapy: results from the COIN study
Neoplasia Yield and Colonoscopic Workload of Surveillance Regimes for Colorectal Cancer in Colitis Patients: A Retrospective Study Comparing the Performance of the Updated AGA and BSG Guidelines
Failure-to-rescue after gastric and oesophageal cancer resection: Results of the Dutch Upper GI Cancer Audit (DUCA)
Adenomas in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Are Associated with an Increased Risk of Advanced Neoplasia
Preventive versus "on-demand" nutritional support during antiviral treatment for hepatitis C: A randomized controlled trial
Bacterial infections in cirrhosis: role of proton pump inhibitors and intestinal permeability
Increased incidence and survival for oesophageal cancer but not for gastric cardia cancer in the Netherlands
Protein energy malnutrition predicts complications in liver cirrhosis
Misclassification of Dysplasia in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Consequences for Progression Rates to Advanced Neoplasia
Recordings of consultations are beneficial in the transition from curative to palliative cancer care: A pilot-study in patients with oesophageal or head and neck cancer
No beneficial effects of amantadine in treatment of chronic hepatitis C patients
