Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Competition and industrial policy in the European Union
The development of European competition policy
Refugees, expellees and immigrants
Variants, race relations, and trend-setters
Political order
Coal and common market
A ‘melting pot’ city
Cities, migration and the historiography of post-war Europe
Rescuing the European welfare state: The Social Affairs Committee of the early European Communities, 1953–1962
Socialism, (neo)liberalism, and the Treaties of Rome
Inheriting Horror: Historical Memory in French Socialists' and German Social Democrats' Fight for European Democracy, 1945–1958
Liberalising Regional Trade: Socialists and European Economic Integration
The Algerian War, European Integration, and the Decolonization of French Socialism
I socialisti europei, la libera circolazione dei lavoratori e i flussi migratori dall'estero nelle prime comunità europee