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Confirmation of double peaked Lyα emission at z = 6.593. Witnessing a galaxy directly contributing to the reionisation of the Universe
Spatially Resolved Stellar Kinematics from LEGA-C: Increased Rotational Support in z ~ 0.8 Quiescent Galaxies
The dependence of galaxy clustering on stellar mass, star-formation rate and redshift at z = 0.8 - 2.2, with HiZELS
Quenching or Bursting: The Role of Stellar Mass, Environment, and Specific Star Formation Rate to z ~ 1
Fast and Slow Paths to Quiescence: Ages and Sizes of 400 Quiescent Galaxies from the LEGA-C Survey
Slicing COSMOS with SC4K: the evolution of typical Lyα emitters and the Lyα escape fraction from z ~ 2 to z ~ 6
Kiloparsec-scale gaseous clumps and star formation at z = 5-7
Bulgeless galaxies in the COSMOS field: environment and star formation evolution at z < 1
On the UV compactness and morphologies of typical Lyman α  emitters from z ~ 2 to z ~ 6
The clustering of Hβ  + [O III] and [O II] emitters since z ∼ 5: dependencies with line luminosity and stellar mass
VIS3COS: I. Survey overview and the role of environment and stellar mass on star formation
The nature of luminous Ly α emitters at z ∼ 2-3: maximal dust-poor starbursts and highly ionizing AGN
The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey (KROSS): the origin of disc turbulence in z ~ 1 star-forming galaxies