Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Label-Free, Flow-Imaging Methods for Determination of Cell Concentration and Viability
Label-Free, Flow-Imaging Methods for Determination of Cell Concentration and Viability
Cathodic Corrosion of a Bulk Wire to Nonaggregated Functional Nanocrystals and Nanoalloys
The Impact of Inadequate Temperature Storage Conditions on Aggregate and Particle Formation in Drugs Containing Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Inhibitors
Towards the development of a supercritical carbon dioxide spray process to coat solid protein particles
A Flow Imaging Microscopy-Based Method Using Mass-to-Volume Ratio to Derive the Porosity of PLGA Microparticles
Potential Issues With the Handling of Biologicals in a Hospital
Analysis of sub-visible particles in complex injectable formulations
Micro-Flow Imaging as a quantitative tool to assess size and agglomeration of PLGA microparticles
Determination of the Porosity of PLGA Microparticles by Tracking Their Sedimentation Velocity Using a Flow Imaging Microscope (FlowCAM)
No Touching! Abrasion of adsorbed protein Is the root cause of subvisible particle formation during stirring
Protein–polyelectrolyte interactions: Monitoring particle formation and growth by nanoparticle tracking analysis and flow imaging microscopy