Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Protocol of the Berlin Long-term Observation of Vascular Events (BeLOVE)
Impact of sociodemographic, premorbid, and injury-related factors on patient-reported outcome trajectories after traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Informed consent procedures in patients with an acute inability to provide informed consent
Coronacrisis en kinderen en jongeren in Nederland. Een inventarisatie van de impact van de coronacrisis op kinderen en jongeren in Nederland
Towards accepted procedures for calculating international consumption-based carbon accounts
Identification of symbol digit modality test score extremes in Huntington's disease
Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 68 centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study (vol 161, pg 453, 2019)
EXIOBASE 3: Developing a Time Series of Detailed Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables
EXIOBASE 3: Developing a Time Series of Detailed Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables
Archaeological implications of the digestion of starches by soil bacteria: interaction among starches leads to differential preservation
Development of a physiology-directed population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic model for characterizing the impact of genetic and demographic factors on clopidogrel response in healthy adults
Mapping the Galaxy Color-Redshift Relation: Optimal Photometric Redshift Calibration Strategies for Cosmology Surveys
A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Latrepirdine in Patients With Mild to Moderate Huntington Disease
Analyses of multiple-site and concurrent Chlamydia trachomatis serovar infections, and serovar tissue tropism for urogenital versus rectal specimens in male and female patients
Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships of central nervous system effects of scopolamine in healthy subjects
Toward discovery science of human brain function
Spectroscopic characterization of reaction centers of the (M)Y210W mutant of the photosynthetic bacterium rhodobacter-spaeroides