Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Hemoglobin modulation affects physiology and patient reported outcomes in anemic and non-anemic subjects: an umbrella review
The interplay between GPIb/IX-antibodies, platelet hepatic sequestration, and TPO levels in patients with chronic ITP.
Anti-glycoprotein antibodies and sequestration pattern of indium-labeled platelets in immune thrombocytopenia
Clinical practice for outpatients that are chronically red cell dependent
Platelets in ITP: victims in charge of their own fate?
Guideline development for prevention of transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease
Prevalence of iron deficiency and red blood cell transfusions in surgical patients
Potential diagnostic approaches for prediction of therapeutic responses in immune thrombocytopenia. Journal of clinical medicine, 10(15), 3403.
Platelets in ITP: cictims in charge of their own fate? Cells, 10(11), 3235
Autologous platelet scintigraphy and clinical outcome of splenectomy in immune thrombocytopenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Autologous platelet scintigraphy and clinical outcome of splenectomy in immune thrombocytopenia
Transition from fresh frozen plasma to solvent/detergent plasma in the Netherlands
Effect of storage of platelet concentrates in PAS-B, PAS-C, or plasma on transfusion reactions
Transfusion reactions after transfusion of platelets stored in PAS-B, PAS-C, or plasma: a nationwide comparison
Comparing transfusion reaction risks for various plasma products - an analysis of 7 years of ISTARE haemovigilance data
Effect of solvent/detergent-treated pooled plasma on fibrinolysis in reconstituted whole blood
Comparing transfusion reaction rates for various plasma types: a systematic review and meta-analysis/regression
Storage medium of platelet transfusions and the risk of transfusion-transmitted bacterial infections
Multi-center randomized open label phase II trial on three rituximab dosing schemes in immune thrombocytopenia patients
Helicobacter pylori infection is not correlated with subclinical thrombocytopenia: A cross-sectional study
