Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Moving average quality control of routine chemistry and hematology parameters
Moving average quality control of routine chemistry and hematology parameters
Interchangeability of sodium and chloride measurements by indirect and direct ISE assays: Stakeholders, take responsibility!
How to define reference intervals to rule in healthy individuals for clinical trials?
Keeping Ebola out of the lab: a practical solution on how to analyze Ebola associated blood anomalies
Application of a point of care creatinine device for trend monitoring in kidney transplant patients: Fit for purpose?
Application of a point of care creatinine device for trend monitoring in kidney transplant patients: fit for purpose?
Structured handoff at shift change in a clinical laboratory increases patient safety
Structured handoff at shift change in a clinical laboratory increases patient safety
Structured handoff at shift change in a clinical laboratory increases patient safety
Associations between ABCB1, CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2D6, and CYP3A5 alleles in relation to efavirenz and nevirapine pharmacokinetics in HIV-infected individuals