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Immunoproteasomal inhibition with ONX-0914 attenuates atherosclerosis and reduces white adipose tissue mass and metabolic syndrome in mice
Resident memory T cells in the atherosclerotic lesion associate with reduced macrophage content and increased lesion stability
Virus-associated CD8+T-cells are not activated through antigen-mediated interaction inside atherosclerotic lesions
Single-cell profiling reveals age-associated immunity in atherosclerosis
Single-cell T cell receptor sequencing of paired human atherosclerotic plaques and blood reveals autoimmune-like features of expanded effector T cells
Brutons tyrosine kinase inhibition to suppress mast cell activation in atherosclerosis
IFNγ-stimulated B cells inhibit T follicular helper cells and protect against atherosclerosis
Apolipoprotein A1 deficiency in mice primes bone marrow stem cells for T cell lymphopoiesis
Apolipoprotein A1 deficiency in mice primes bone marrow stem cells for T cell lymphopoiesis
Diet-induced dyslipidemia induces metabolic and migratory adaptations in regulatory T cells
BTLA stimulation protects against atherosclerosis by regulating follicular B cells
Modulation of the immune system for treatment of atherosclerosis
Induction of HLA-A2 restricted CD8 T cell responses against ApoB100 peptides does not affect atherosclerosis in a humanized mouse model
Apolipoprotein A1 modulates the ability of bone marrow to facilitate lymphocyte production after transplantation into Ldl receptor knockout mice
B- and T-lymphocyte attenuator stimulation protects against atherosclerosis by regulating follicular B cells
Defective Autophagy in T Cells Impairs the Development of Diet-Induced Hepatic Steatosis and Atherosclerosis
Disruption of a CD1d-mediated interaction between mast cells and NKT cells aggravates atherosclerosis
Bidirectional effects of IL-10+ regulatory B cells in Ldlr−/− mice
CD8+ T-cells contribute to lesion stabilization in advanced atherosclerosis by limiting macrophage content and CD4+ T-cell responses
Hypercholesterolemia impairs megakaryopoiesis and platelet production in scavenger receptor BI knockout mice
