Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Mineralocorticoid receptors dampen glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity to stress via regulation of FKBP5
Sex-Dependent Modulation of Acute Stress Reactivity After Early Life Stress in Mice: Relevance of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Expression
Identification of mineralocorticoid receptor target genes in the mouse hippocampus
Mechanistic Insights in NeuroD Potentiation of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Signaling
The role of stressful parenting and mineralocorticoid receptor haplotypes on social development during adolescence and young adulthood
Stress-Induced Enhancement of Mouse Amygdalar Synaptic Plasticity Depends on Glucocorticoid and beta-Adrenergic Activity
Glucocorticoid pulsatility and rapid corticosteroid actions in the central stress response
Stress Responsiveness Varies over the Ultradian Glucocorticoid Cycle in a Brain-Region-Specific Manner
Glucocorticoid Ultradian Rhythmicity Directs Cyclical Gene Pulsing of the Clock Gene Period 1 in Rat Hippocampus
Recovery from Disrupted Ultradian Glucocorticoid Rhythmicity Reveals a Dissociation Between Hormonal and Behavioural Stress Responsiveness
Glucocorticoid pulsatility : implications for brain functioning
Specificity of glucocorticoid receptor primary antibodies for analysis of receptor localization patterns in cultured cells and rat hippocampus
Disrupted Corticosterone Pulsatile Patterns Attenuate Responsiveness to Glucocorticoid Signaling in Rat Brain