Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Experiences and Lessons from a Multicountry NIDIAG Study on Persistent Digestive Disorders in the Tropics
Diagnosis of neglected tropical diseases among patients with persistent digestive disorders (diarrhoea and/or abdominal pain >= 14 days): a multi-country, prospective, non-experimental case-control study (vol 15, 338, 2015)
Diagnosis of neglected tropical diseases among patients with persistent digestive disorders (diarrhoea and/or abdominal pain >= 14 days): Pierrea multi-country, prospective, non-experimental case-control study
Human Schistosoma haematobium Antifecundity Immunity Is Dependent on Transmission Intensity and Associated With Immunoglobulin G1 to Worm-Derived Antigens
Persistent digestive disorders in the tropics: causative infectious pathogens and reference diagnostic tests