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Progression of non-obstructive coronary plaque
Dissecting the interstellar medium of a z = 6.3 galaxy
A blast from the infant Universe
Impact of atrial fibrillation on outcome in Takotsubo syndrome
Outcomes of Patients With Asymptomatic Aortic Stenosis Followed Up in Heart Valve Clinics
Relativistic supernova 2009bb exploded close to an atomic gas cloud
Molecular gas masses of gamma-ray burst host galaxies
Potential and limitations of inferring ecosystem photosynthetic capacity from leaf functional traits
Inflow of atomic gas fuelling star formation
GRB 980425 host: [C II], [O I], and CO lines reveal recent enhancement of star formation due to atomic gas inflow
Massive stars formed in atomic hydrogen reservoirs: H I observations of gamma-ray burst host galaxies
Diagnostic performance of hyperaemic myocardial blood flow index obtained by dynamic computed tomography: does it predict functionally significant coronary lesions?
Quantitative Computed Tomographic Coronary Angiography Does It Predict Functionally Significant Coronary Stenoses?
Spatially-resolved dust properties of the GRB 980425 host galaxy
Reproducibility of computed tomography angiography data analysis using semiautomated plaque quantification software: implications for the design of longitudinal studies
Comprehensive visualization of multimodal cardiac imaging data for assessment of coronary artery disease: first clinical results of the SMARTVis tool
Natural History of Coronary Atherosclerosis by Multislice Computed Tomography
Anandamide hydrolysis by human cells in culture and brain
Anandamide hydrolysis by human cells in culture and brain