Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Topical bimiralisib shows meaningful cutaneous drug levels in healthy volunteers and mycosis fungoides patients but no clinical activity in a first-in-human, randomized controlled trial
Topical Bimiralisib Shows Meaningful Cutaneous Drug Levels in Healthy Volunteers and Mycosis Fungoides Patients but No Clinical Activity in a First-in-Human, Randomized Controlled Trial
Results of phase 2 trials exploring the safety and efficacy of omiganan in patients with human papillomavirus-induced genital lesions
Results of phase 2 trials exploring the safety and efficacy of omiganan in patients with human papillomavirus-induced genital lesions
Omiganan enhances imiquimod-induced inflammatory responses in skin of healthy volunteers
Mobile e-diary application facilitates the monitoring of patient-reported outcomes and a high treatment adherence for clinical trials in dermatology
Mobile e-diary application facilitates the monitoring of patient-reported outcomes and a high treatment adherence for clinical trials in dermatology
Early phase clinical drug development for HPV-induced disorders: novel tools and treatments
No effect of topical digoxin and furosemide gel for patients with external anogenital warts
No effect of topical digoxin and furosemide gel for patients with external anogenital warts
Stereophotogrammetric three-dimensional photography is an accurate and precise planimetric method for the clinical visualization and quantification of human papilloma virus-induced skin lesions
Stereophotogrammetric three-dimensional photography is an accurate and precise planimetric method for the clinical visualization and quantification of human papilloma virus-induced skin lesions