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(1 - 12 of 12)
Hybrid zone analysis confirms cryptic species of banded newt and does not support competitive displacement since secondary contact
Two transects reveal remarkable variation in gene flow on opposite ends of a European toad hybrid zone
Genetic traces of hybrid zone movement across a fragmented habitat
Next-generation phylogeography of the banded newts (Ommatotriton)
Next-generation phylogeography of the banded newts (Ommatotriton)
A genomic footprint of a moving hybrid zone in marbled newts
Tracing species replacement in Iberian marbled newts
Hybrid zone dynamics in amphibians
Testing an hypothesis of hybrid zone movement for toads in France
Molecular data reveal the hybrid nature of an introduced population of banded newts (Ommatotriton) in Spain
The Near East as a cradle of biodiversity
Variations in glutamine deamidation for a Châtelperronian bone assemblage as measured by peptide mass fingerprinting of collagen