Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Age-related behavioral resilience in smartphone touchscreen interaction dynamics
A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task.
A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task
Error Blindness and Motivational Significance: Shifts in Networks Centering on Anterior Insula Co-Vary with Error Awareness and Pupil Dilation.
An associative account of how the obesogenic environment biases adolescents' food choices
Optimal training design for procedural motor skills: a review and application to laparoscopic surgery
Working-memory network function in heavy cannabis users predicts changes in cannabis use: A prospective fMRI study
Attentional set-shifting in fragile X syndrome.
A tribute to Charlie Chaplin: Induced positive affect improves reward-based decision making in Parkinson's Disease.
Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus improves reward-based decision-learning in Parkinson's disease.
Profiling Fragile X Syndrome in males: Strengths and weaknesses in cognitive abilities.
The effects of cortisol administration on approach-avoidance behavior: An event-related potential study.