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Technical report
Technical report
Epigenetic and metabolomic biomarkers for biological age
Benchmarking variational AutoEncoders on cancer transcriptomics data
Single-cell reference mapping to construct and extend cell-type hierarchies
Consequences and opportunities arising due to sparser single-cell RNA-seq datasets
PLIS: a metabolomic response monitor to a lifestyle intervention study in older adults
Single-cell immune profiling reveals thymus-seeding populations, T cell commitment, and multilineage development in the human thymus
Development and validation of an early warning model for hospitalized COVID-19 patientscohort study
Metabolomic predictors of phenotypic traits can replace and complement measured clinical variables in population-scale expression profiling studies
pmTR database
Transcriptomic signatures of brain regional vulnerability to Parkinson’s disease
A framework for employing longitudinally collected multicenter electronic health records to stratify heterogeneous patient populations on disease history
1H-NMR metabolomics-based surrogates to impute common clinical risk factors and endpoints
Differential analysis of binarized single-cell RNA sequencing data captures biological variation
Reply to the Commentary on population matched (pm) germline allelic variants of immunoglobulin (IG) loci: relevance in infectious diseases and vaccination studies in human populations
Single-cell transcriptomics links loss of human pancreatic beta-cell identity to ER stress
Single-cell transcriptomics links loss of human pancreatic β-Cell Identity to ER stress
