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Impact of setup and range uncertainties on TCP and NTCP following VMAT or IMPT of oropharyngeal cancer patients
Reduced inter-observer and intra-observer delineation variation in esophageal cancer radiotherapy by use of fiducial markers
The effectiveness of 4DCT in children and adults: A pooled analysis
Temperature and thermal dose during radiotherapy and hyperthermia for recurrent breast cancer are related to clinical outcome and thermal toxicity: a systematic review
Clinical validation of a novel thermophysical bladder model designed to improve the accuracy of hyperthermia treatment planning in the pelvic region
Re-irradiation plus hyperthermia for recurrent pediatric sarcoma
Concurrent Daily Cisplatin and High-Dose Radiation Therapy in Patients With Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Predictive value of pediatric respiratory-induced diaphragm motion quantified using pre-treatment 4DCT and CBCTs
Abdominal organ position variation in children during image-guided radiotherapy
Feasibility of using optical coherence tomography to detect radiation-induced fibrosis and residual cancer extent after neoadjuvant chemo-radiation therapy: an ex vivo study
Heart volume reduction during radiotherapy involving the thoracic region in children: An unexplained phenomenon
Meta-analysis comparing upfront surgery with neoadjuvant treatment in patients with resectable or borderline resectable pancreatic cancer
Clinical Trial Strategies to Compare Protons With Photons
Dose warping uncertainties for the accumulated rectal wall dose in cervical cancer brachytherapy
Reirradiation plus hyperthermia for recurrent breast cancer en cuirasse
Target tailoring and proton beam therapy to reduce small bowel dose in cervical cancer radiotherapy
Analysis of clinical data to determine the minimum number of sensors required for adequate skin temperature monitoring of superficial hyperthermia treatments
Pain relief after a short course of palliative radiotherapy in pancreatic cancer, the Academic Medical Center (AMC) experience
Role of deformable image registration for delivered dose accumulation of adaptive external beam radiation therapy and brachytherapy in cervical cancer
Image Distortions on a Plastic Interstitial Computed Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Brachytherapy Applicator at 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Their Dosimetric Impact
