Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Decline of unique Pontocaspian biodiversity in the Black Sea Basin
Social network analysis and the implications for Pontocaspian biodiversity conservation in Romania and Ukraine: a comparative study
Using social network analysis to assess the Pontocaspian biodiversity conservation capacity in Ukraine
European badger habitat requirements in the Netherlands – combining ecological niche models with neighbourhood analysis
The Contribution of DNA Metabarcoding to Fungal Conservation: Diversity Assessment, Habitat Partitioning and Mapping Red-Listed Fungi in Protected Coastal Salix repens Communities in the Netherlands
Analysis of coprolites from the extinct mountain goat Myotragus balearicus
Corresponding mitochondrial DNA and niche divergence for crested new candidate species
Borneo : a quantitative analysis of botanical richness, endemicity and floristic regions based on herbarium records
Botanical Richness and endemicity patterns of Borneo derived from species distribution models.