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The role of the longitudinal muscle in the anal sphincter complex Implications for the Intersphincteric Plane in Low Rectal Cancer Surgery?
Can we Save the rectum by watchful waiting or TransAnal microsurgery following (chemo) Radiotherapy versus Total mesorectal excision for early REctal Cancer (STAR-TREC study)?: protocol for a multicentre, randomised feasibility study
The anatomy of the perineal body in relation to abdominoperineal excision for low rectal cancer
Understanding the surgical pitfalls in total mesorectal excision: Investigating the histology of the perirectal fascia and the pelvic autonomic nerves
The Three-Dimensional Anatomy of the Anal Sphincter Complex and its Relevance to Low Rectal and Anal Pathology
Whole-Mount Microscopic Sections Reveal that Denonvilliers' Fascia is One Entity and Adherent to the Mesorectal Fascia: Should we still Question the Anterior Plane in TME?
The development of a 3D anatomical atlas of the pelvis: Taking the next step in enhancing surgical anatomical education and clinical guidance
The Anatomy of the Perineal Body in Relation to Abdominoperineal Excision for Low Rectal Cancer
Whole mount microscopic sections reveal that Denonvilliers' fascia is one entity and adherent to the mesorectal fascia; implications for the anterior plane in total mesorectal excision?
Re: Role of the Oxidative DNA Damage Repair Gene OGG1 in Colorectal Tumorigenesis
EURECCA colorectal: Multidisciplinary management: European consensus conference colon & rectum
EURECCA colorectal: Multidisciplinary Mission statement on better care for patients with colon and rectal cancer in Europe
Role of the Oxidative DNA Damage Repair Gene OGG1 in Colorectal Tumorigenesis
Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Histopathological Response to Chemoradiotherapy in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
Focus on Extralevator Perineal Dissection in Supine Position for Low Rectal Cancer Has Led to Better Quality of Surgery and Oncologic Outcome
T3+and T4 Rectal Cancer Patients Seem to Benefit From the Addition of Oxaliplatin to the Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Regimen
Small bowel adenocarcinoma copy number profiles are more closely related to colorectal than to gastric cancers
Improved Oncological Outcome After Modified Extralevator Abdominoperineal Excision in Low Rectal Cancer Patients
Mesorectal Fascia Instead of Circumferential Resection Margin in Preoperative Staging of Rectal Cancer