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Immunoproteasomal inhibition with ONX-0914 attenuates atherosclerosis and reduces white adipose tissue mass and metabolic syndrome in mice
Tim-1 mucin domain-mutant mice display exacerbated atherosclerosis
IFNγ-stimulated B cells inhibit T follicular helper cells and protect against atherosclerosis
Diet-induced dyslipidemia induces metabolic and migratory adaptations in regulatory T cells
BTLA stimulation protects against atherosclerosis by regulating follicular B cells
Induction of HLA-A2 restricted CD8 T cell responses against ApoB100 peptides does not affect atherosclerosis in a humanized mouse model
B- and T-lymphocyte attenuator stimulation protects against atherosclerosis by regulating follicular B cells
Defective Autophagy in T Cells Impairs the Development of Diet-Induced Hepatic Steatosis and Atherosclerosis
Disruption of a CD1d-mediated interaction between mast cells and NKT cells aggravates atherosclerosis
Bidirectional effects of IL-10+ regulatory B cells in Ldlr−/− mice
Lipocalin-2 contributes to experimental atherosclerosis in a stage-dependent manner
Lipocalin-2 contributes to experimental atherosclerosis in a stage-dependent manner
Stimulation of the co-inhibitory BTLA pathway protects against atherosclerosis by selectively reducing atherogenic B cells
Vaccination with APOB100 derived HLA-A2 restricted CD8 T cell epitopes did not reduce atherosclerosis in male LDLRKO HAPOB100TG HLA-A2TG mice
CD1d deficiency inhibits the development of abdominal aortic aneurysms in LDL receptor deficient mice
NKT cells in cardiovascular diseases
Leukocyte TLR5 deficiency inhibits atherosclerosis by reduced macrophage recruitment and defective T-cell responsiveness
NKT cells in cardiovascular diseases
Leukocyte TLR5 deficiency inhibits atherosclerosis by reduced macrophage recruitment and defective T-cell responsiveness
Inhibition of lysophosphatidic acid receptors 1 and 3 attenuates atherosclerosis development in LDL-receptor deficient mice
