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Heat-killed Staphylococcus aureus reduces atherosclerosis by inducing anti-inflammatory macrophages
CD11b+Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells reduce atherosclerotic lesion development in LDLr deficient mice.
Agonistic anti-TIGIT treatment inhibits T cell responses in LDLr deficient mice without affecting atherosclerotic lesion development
Fatty acid binding protein 4 in circulating leucocytes reflects atherosclerotic lesion progression in Apoe(-/-) mice
Agonistic anti-TIGIT treatment inhibits T cell responses in LDLr deficient mice without affecting atherosclerotic lesion development
Correction of liver steatosis by a hydrophobic iminosugar modulating glycosphingolipids metabolism
Adrenalectomy stimulates the formation of initial atherosclerotic lesions: reversal by adrenal transplantation
IL-15 aggravates atherosclerotic lesion development in LDL receptor deficient mice
Foam cell formation affects MHCI processing and presentation in vitro while hypercholesteremia induces a DC-like phenotype in macrophages in vivo
Vaccination using oxidized low-density lipoprotein-pulsed dendritic cells reduces atherosclerosis in LDL receptor-deficient mice
Regulation of T cell responses in atherosclerosis
